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Transitions and Creative Outlets



Hi, I’m Naima; I am a mother, wife, graduate student, sister, friend, aunt, and so much

more. I am currently in the stage of life where I am transitioning out of the role of stay-at-home

mom and embarking on a new journey into my career. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for the

past 5-6 years; during that time, my life centered around all things motherhood and family. I

immersed myself in the joys of motherhood and adjusted to my new normal; everything

revolved around trying to be the best mother, wife, and student. Although tough, that will

always be a special time to me; while my husband worked, it was just me and my son exploring life together, making friends, and making memories for life.

As I entered the last year of grad school, my son entered kindergarten, a transitional period

for the whole family. It was time for me to let go and to allow my son to be a bit more

independent. This was easier said than done, one thing that helped during that time was a shift in perspective, it was time for me to recreate my identity. I was no longer a stay-at-home mom to a baby or toddler, but rather, I became a “working” mom of a school-aged kid. As my identity shifted so did my clothes. I traded in my leggings for skirts and dresses, my flip-flops for heels, and my hoodie for a blazer, and I loved every bit of it. Dressing differently allowed me to see myself differently which turned into me feeling differently about myself. When I put the drape on, I felt it perfectly captured who I am today and how I see myself. It is elegant and

bright with beautiful shades of blossoming flowers. It snugged my body around the waist but I 

loose and flirty around the arms, this is one of my favorite parts because it captures the ebb

and flow of life; the more form-fitting parts of the drape represent my discipline and my need

to stay focused while the loose parts of the drape represent my need for flexibility and

compromise in my life. My drape embodies who I am today, a bright, blossoming flower

embracing life as it comes. 🌺

I am currently pursuing a career in the field of psychology; I work with children ages 10-14

and to my surprise it has had a profound impact on me. I’ve always loved children but struggled to see myself working with them. I was nervous when I began working with them. However, what I learned is that many of them just needed a space where they felt safe enough to be themselves. This experience has taught me to welcome each new experience as it comes, be present, and to have gratitude for people and places.

Transitions and Creative Outlets





私が大学院の最後の年になると、息子は幼稚園に入園しました。家族全員にとって過渡期で息子が自立させる時期でした。これは難しだったが、その時期に役立ったことのひとつは、視点を変えることだったのです。自分のアイデンティティを再構築する時でした。私はもはや専業主婦ではなくというより、学齢期の子供を持つ 「働く 」母親になったのです。私のアイデンティティの変化とともに服装も変わり始めました。レギンスをスカートやドレスに替え、ビーチサンダルをヒールに替え、パーカーをブレーザーに替えてみました。



私のドレープは、今日の私を体現している。人生をありのままに受け入れる自分です。 🌺





My Creative Outlet:


I currently have two great creative outlets that I am obsessed with! I recently began coloring in adult coloring books! There, I discovered the art of stillness. When I color my mind goes quiet; I immerse myself in the characters I am coloring or the nature I am decorating. When I color, I get to be in charge and express myself in my coloring; sometimes, my coloring pages are bright and full of optimism, reflecting the positive feelings I feel on the inside. On other days, my pages reflect the gloomier feelings I experience; on those days, my pages are embraced by darker colors. And then there are the days when I am feeling a mixture of things, and my pages are like a rainbow displaying the highs, lows, and everything in between. In those moments, time stops, and for a second, I take off the many hats I wear and just exist; there are no rules or requirements. The only boundary is embracing what comes to me without judging or questioning it, just simply experiencing and expressing.  


The next creative outlet that I love has been my fitness journey. After I had my son my whole world changed including my body. I could not explain it but did not see me when I looked in the mirror. I saw someone who looked like me, favored me, even had my mannerisms but she was not me. There was a disconnect between how I felt and what I saw when I looked in the mirror. A few years ago, I began to embrace exercise. It kinda became my thing. I got really into strength training and I focused on gaining strength. This was so significant at the time because it really aligned with where I was mentally. The transition into motherhood left me feeling weak at times; there were moments where I struggled to embrace being a mom. I often felt exhausted and overwhelmed. When I began gaining strength physically it transferred over to mental strength, turns out that lifting weights became a way to lift my spirits and despite the challenges of motherhood I felt strong enough to embrace it all.  


Fast forward to this past summer.  I have always loved cardio but struggled to run. Before I became a mom I attempted to become a runner; despite trying my best I simply could not get the hang of it. This past summer I decided to try again as my mind was beginning to feel loud again. As I was preparing to embrace the last stage of graduate school where I began seeing clients clinically, I felt this tightness in my chest. All the thoughts came at once; will I be good enough? Will I connect with them? Will they like me? Will I enjoy it? Do I know what I am doing? I struggled to remain present and silence the thoughts in my head. I consistently felt uncomfortable and dreamed of the day when the discomfort would subside. But then I decided to embrace it. I had a theory I wanted to test; I would make myself uncomfortable in order to build mental strength to embrace the process of growth. I began running and almost immediately I felt uneasy, I was hot and sweaty and wanted to stop but I reminded myself that I had to stick with it and that being uncomfortable now is temporary, but the growth I will gain will last and show up in spaces where I least expect. As I predicted, the physical strength I was able to build while running became the mental strength I needed as I embraced the next stage of life. Running to me is a privilege; I get to run. I get to use my body how and when I want. As an able-bodied person it is easy to forget that movement is a privilege. My body is my forever home; it goes where I go and it’s the only one I’ll ever get. My way of showing gratitude to my Creator is to embrace the body He gifted me with by loving it, and running is just one of the awesome ways I get to do that! 


The thing I love most about my outlets is that they serve me in different ways. When I need to feel and embrace the idea of growth and life’s unpredictability, I run. And when I need to quiet my mind because the thoughts have become all-encompassing, I color. 







早いもので、この夏がやってきた。 もともと有酸素運動は好きだったが、走るのは苦手だった。母親になる前、私はランナーになろうと試みたが、頑張ってもコツをつかむことができなかった。この夏、私は心が再びうるおいを感じ始めたので、再挑戦することにした。大学院の最終段階である臨床実習を迎える準備をしていたとき、胸が締め付けられるような感覚を覚えた。私はこれでいいのだろうか?私はクライアントと心を通わせることができるだろうか?彼らは私を好きだろうか?楽しめるだろうか?私は自分が何をしているのかわかっているのだろうか?私は常に違和感を感じ、その違和感が収まる日を夢見ていた。成長のプロセスを受け入れる精神的な強さを養うために、自分自身を不快にするのだ。走り始めてすぐに不安になり、暑くて汗をかいて止めたくなったが、今は我慢しなければならない、今不快なのは一時的なもので、これから得られる成長は長続きし、思いもよらないところに現れるのだと自分に言い聞かせた。




Fashion and what it means to you


Fashion, to me, is identity. My clothes speak for me without me ever opening my mouth. I’ve noticed that my sense of fashion is heavily influenced by where I am. After becoming a mom, I embraced the “comfy” stage. The best way for me to describe this stage is that it’s similar to the feeling you gain after the honeymoon stage of marriage has worn off. During this stage, you two are often comfortable with one another. That is how I felt; I usually wore sweatpants, tights, and oversized t-shirts during that time. I recently entered the last stage of my graduate program, where I started seeing clients clinically. I like to call this stage of my life the honeymoon stage. This is the beginning of a new relationship with my career; this is the sweet stage where everything is new, and it’s met with wonder and curiosity. My approach to my career can be reflected in the bright colors I wear. 




私にとってファッションとはアイデンティティです。私が口を開かなくても、洋服が代弁してくれる。私のファッションセンスは、人生のどの段階にいるかに大きく影響されることに気づいた。ママになってからは、「快適 」な段階を受け入れました。この段階を表現するのに一番適しているのは、結婚のハネムーン段階が終わった後の感覚に似ているということだ。この段階では、ふたりは互いに心地よく過ごしていることが多い。私もそうで、この時期はスウェットパンツにタイツ、オーバーサイズのTシャツを着ていた。私は最近、大学院の最終段階に入り、臨床的にクライアントを診るようになった。私はこの段階をハネムーン・ステージと呼びたい。すべてが新しく、驚きと好奇心で満たされる甘美な段階だ。私のキャリアに対するアプローチは、私が身につける明るい色に反映されている。

Transitions and Creative Outlets

What I look forward to in 2025:I look forward to continuing to learn about myself and grow as a person. I am excited toembrace a new journey in both my career and as a mom. Every time my son has a birthday, Ihave a birthday as a mother, and I always look forward to learning more about him as a personand how my partner and I grow as parents. I also look forward to beinga part of more mental health projects where I can give back. One of my life goals is to payforward all the good God has allowed me to experience. I know I didn’t make it to where I amon my own, and since I could never fully repay those who have helped me, it is my duty to showmy gratitude by sharing gifts with those who can benefit from mental health services but arelimited in their ability to access it.







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